Research rigging
  • The Circus Dialogues (continued)

About the research project

The Circus Dialogues is an artistic research project by Bauke Lievens, Belgian playwrighter and circus creator, that has been ongoing at KASK University for 8 years now. The project focussed on the development of various dialogical strategies that broadened and opened the possibilities for relational thinking and acting in the circus.

The Circus Dialogues (continued) the next step in the project. Fixed values ​​of the trajectory are Bauke Lievens, Francesca Hyde and Vincent Focquet.

About rigging

Rigging is an ancient old circus practice of attaching and hangning things or people, usually by means of cords and pulley systems. A team of circus performers, thinkers and playwrighters (Vincent Foquet, Francesca Hyde, Camille Paycha, Saar Rombout, John-Paul Zaccarini and Elena Zanzu) ask pertinent questions about care, violence, activity, pain, pleasure, support, … and permission by things attaching /people to other things/people.
