• I would like to visit the summer circus festival as a professional.

    We would like to help you prepare your visit. Send an email to celine@miramiro.be and we will contact you as soon as possible.

  • Where can I find the program of the festival?

    You can discover the brochure here. You might notice that some performances have a ‘Made at Miramiro’-label. These are the performances we have supported. This way you can discover the results of all the hard work in our circus workspace.

  • How can I contact Miramiro?

    Are you looking for more information about a project or do you want to know more about how we work? Do you have an idea about a possible collaboration? You can send all your questions to miramiro@miramiro.be or take a look at the contact page.

  • How can I stay informed about Miramiro's activities?

    Keep an eye on our agenda or sign up for our newsletter. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and sneak peeks.

  • How can I participate in a workshop/try-out/WIP...?

    All information about registrations or tickets can be found on the relevant event page. For upcoming events, take a look at our calendar.

  • As a professional, am I entitled to free tickets or other benefits?

    There are a number of advantages if you visit our activities as a professional.

    Send an email to celine@miramiro.be and we will contact you soon!

  • Can I request press passes? How do I do this?

    Would you like to make a news item about our activities? Film or write something? Gladly! Please contact laura@miramiro.be.