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- Rode Boom
- Indoor performance
- Premiere: 29 October 2021
- Age: +14 jaar
About the performance
Realities is an artistic quest that starts from the magical feeling of scientific thinkers. In a form language that is open to different dimensions and multiverses in mentalism, music and scenography. Realities that overshoot each other provide the viewer with a completely unique stage experience. Realities is a performance that changes the way we look at reality forever.
About the company
Rode Boom was founded in 2007 and was an answer to a dream to once start a company that could create and make performances. The circustheatre and visual installations that Kurt Demey already made found a space in this supporting structure. Since then it became possible to professionalize and centralize his work.
Rode Boom creates visual road trips that takes the audience to ‘their’ reality and more. Performances filled with surrealistic and symbolic visuals, that also find their way to public space. In the artistic pallet of Kurt Demey different techniques of the magic world of illusion and mentalism come together with visuals and performances.
About the collaboration with Miramiro
De Rode Boom and Miramiro will proceed a collaboration trajectory over the next 5 years. Parallel to our own history, Kurt Demey’s roots lie in the street. During his training at the FAI AR6, he fell under the spell of mentalism. Since then, Kurt has followed his ‘quirky’ path and is an established name in the circus landscape, far beyond the Flemish borders.
Miramiro has followed Kurt’s career for 20 years and we share our love for the public space. With an application for structural recognition for his company, he takes the next necessary step.
CONCEPT: Kurt Demey / CREATION + PERFORMANCE: Kurt Demey, Fabien Gruau & Joris Vanvinckenroye / MUSIC: Joris Vanvinckenroye / SCENOGRAPHICS: Fabien Gruau & Kurt Demey / DRAMATURGIE + EINDREGIE: Cédric Coomans / COSTUME: Leentje Kerremans & Gerlinde Vervenne / HELP IN CREATION: Diederik Peeters & Matthieu Villatelle
FILM: Mimi De Boeck & Kamiel De Bruyne / ACTORS FILM: Lieselotte De Keyzer, Kurt Demey, Diederik Peeters & Joris Vanvinckenroye / VOICE-OVER: Diederik Peeters / HELP PROJECTION: Jo De Rijck / HELP MAGIC: René Nijman / LIGHTDESIGN + TECHNICS: Janneke Donkersloot & Fabien Gruau / TECHNICS TOUR: Janneke Donkersloot, Fabien Gruau & Pepijn De Paepe / DECOR: Jakob De Jaeger & Fabien Gruau / COORDINATION RODE BOOM: Lien Vanbossele / KEYVISUAL CHIMERE: ©Fabien Gruau
COPRODUCTIE: Perpodium (BE), La Villette EPPGHV - Paris (FR), Le Manège Scène Nationale - Reims (FR), La Comète Scène Nationale – Châlons-en-Champagne (FR), Theater op de Markt - Dommelhof (BE), Le Channel Scène Nationale - Calais (FR), Théâtre d’Arles - Arles (FR), Théâtre La Vista / La Chapelle avec le Domaine d'O - Montpellier (FR), AY-ROOP - Rennes (FR), Réseau Cirquévolution (FR), Miramiro - Gent (BE)
Latitude 50° - Marchin (BE), Théâtre du Vieux St-Etienne / AY-ROOP - Ville de Rennes (FR), Théâtre la Vista /La Chapelle, avec le Domaine d’O - Montpellier (FR), La Villette - Paris (FR), Theater Op de Markt - Dommelhof (BE), Théâtre d’Arles – Arles (FR), Stadsschouwburg Sint-Niklaas (BE), Espace Germinal - Fosses (FR), Cultuurcentrum De Grote Post - Oostende (BE), Plateforme 2 Pôles Cirque en Normandie - Cirque Théâtre d'Elbeuf / la Brèche Cherbourg (FR), Le Manège Scène Nationale - Reims (FR)
De Vlaamse overheid en Tax Shelter van de Belgische federale overheid
Hotel du Parc Oostende, Satya Roosens, Miranda João, Mark Shortland, Gijs van Bon, Geert De Vleesschauwer, Simon Maurice, Piet Kusters, Stefan Paridaen, Maurice Van de Velde, Hugo Van de Plas, Laurent Piron