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- Compagnie Kairos
- Outdoor/location
- Age: All ages
- Capacity: 20
About the company
In 2019 company Originally Fake celebrated it’s 15th anniversary. It was time for a new step, a new adventure. There was a need to grow and to gain experience and expertise. This is how Company Kairos originated.
The company is specialized in dance, air acrobatics and throwing different disciplines together. Compagnie Kairos is constantly reinventing theirselves. Co-creation between dancers and other creative minds, on or off stage, is the most important aspect in the proces of creating new performances, workshops or collaborations.
Company Kairos creates for outdoor locations, they believe that each location has its own unique contribution to a performance.
About the performance
This residency is the very start of the creation process for ‘L’image de soi’ (working title). It will become a creation about self esteem, the cliché of, the getting entangled in, the influence on and the confrontation with your own regard. Everyone has an image of themselves, everyone thínks something of themselves. If you would start a conversation with your own image, how would that go? ‘L’image de soi’ is a solo performance in which dance and rope unravel each other’s soul.