(c) Michiel Devijver
KORROL Grensgeval (BE) i.s.m. Aifoon
  • + 4 years
  • LocationDe Expeditie
  • PriceStandardprice €15
    -26y €12
  • Info

    Sa 20.07 - 14:30 & 16:30
    Su 21.07 - 13:30 & 16:30

    50 min.


About the performance

In KORROL, an acrobatic architect composes space with tonnes of concrete. Jakob builds towers, the towers become a city, a desolate plain, a human being. But every time he tries to lay the last brick, his work proves unfinished. Jakob balances precariously on wobbly towers, jumps on his hands from stone to stone. But no matter what he tries, everything remains so stiff and still. Until he puts on the concrete: donning heavy shoes, he orchestrates a small ballet, in a duet with a massive ball he skims past his audience. He (re)builds up his whole body. Even when he almost collapses under the weight, Jonas just finds the freedom for a duet between toe and little finger.  

When Jakob places his concrete head in the hands of the audience, they become co-bearers of his creation. In a world of traveling and tangible sound, they remold the world together. Result: a dazzling new circus sound theater in which the audience is immersed. With drumming blocks, a petrified acrobat and dancing concrete. 


  • This performance contains no spoken text and consists mainly of visual elements. There is a soundscape to accompany the performance.
  • This performance takes place at an indoor venue, this venue has a disabled toilet.
  • We ask people with wheelchairs to mail us in advance at miramiro@miramiro.be so we can prepare your visit.

Trigger Warning

This performance uses sound and vibration, including sudden and sometimes louder sounds – adapted to young ages.
  • Parking is available in the underground car park Dok Noord.
  • The venue is accessible by public transport, stop Heilig Kerst.


With thanks to

Concept en regie: Hanne Vandersteene en Mahlu Mertens
Decor: Architect Lode De Smet Van Damme
Spel: Jonas Boilinger
Geluidsconcept: Stijn Dickel (aifoon vzw)

With support from

Aifoon vzw
Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof
CirquEvolution (Fr)
De Grote Post
De Vlaamse overheid
Festival Spring (Fr)
Rotondes Luxembourg
Sabam for Culture
Stad Gent