©marie monteiro
We Agree To Disagree Collectif Malunés (BE/FR)
  • All ages
  • LocationCoyendanspark
  • PriceFree
  • Info

    Mon 17 and Tue 18 July at 8.30 pm
    50 minutes


Collaboration rarely runs smoothly. When is a collaboration a success or, rather, a failure? Is a joint creation possible when we are all different? In We Agree To Disagree, you are also part of the show, as a citizen, a spectator, an actor, a decision-maker… Everyone is part of Collectif Malunés! But don’t worry, only the acrobats perform the spectacular acts.


Become more than a spectator, become part of Collectif Malunés.
More info


  • This performance is participatory, meaning that the audience participates in the performance.
  • The performance contains limited spoken text in Dutch and English.
  • This performance is mainly a visual spectacle.
  • This performance takes place in a public space.
  • The location has a toilet for disabled people.
  • Parking is available at Gent Dampoort station.
  • The location can be reached by public transport, stop Gent Veemarkt.


Thanks to:

Written and created by: Simon Bruyninckx, Juliette Correa, Lola Devault-
Sierra, Luke Horley, Gabriel Larès, Arne Sabbe, Nickolas Van Corven / Director: Bram Dobbelaere / Constructor: Joppe Wouters / Technical Director: Anthony Caruana / Light design: Olivier Duris / Administration & production: Eugénie Fraigneau / DIstribution: Emma Ketels


L’OARA (Office Artistique Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine), CNAREP sur
le Pont – La Rochelle (FR), PNC Le Palc – Châlons-en-Champagne (FR), PNC
L’Agora – Boulazac (FR), Perplx – Courtrai (BE), Miramiro – Gand (BE), Theater op
de Markt – Dommelhof (BE), Festival de Chassepierre (BE)


With support from: Cirque en Scène – Niort (FR), Circuscentrum – Gand (BE), Jakta 78 (CZ)
With financial support from: Vlaamse Overheid (BE), SPEDIDAM, ADAMI