(c) Sarah Vanheuverzwijn
  • + 4 years
  • LocationDifferent surprise locations
  • PriceStandard price €8, -26y €6
  • Info

    Home – Mo 22.07/Tu 23.07 - 14:00 (40 min)
    Hostel - Mo 22.07/ Tu 23.07 - 17:00 & 18:30 (30 min)
    Loft - Mo 22.07/Tu 23.07 - 17:00 & 18:30 (30 min)


Miramiro loves surprises!

You can find the exact locations of these performances on your ticket. We can give you a little tip: the three LIVING locations are a maximum 15-minute bike ride from Coyendans Park.

About the performance

In LIVING, we step beyond the boundaries of public space and bring circus into people’s living spaces: living rooms, cafes, libraries, care homes, prisons, … 

LIVING Circus consists of 3 performances: Home, Loft and Hostel, each with its own aesthetic and message. You can, but don’t need to, attend all parts (in chronological order) to have an amazing experience. 


  • The performances contain mostly visual elements and a fair amount of live music.
  • We ask wheelchair users to email us in advance at miramiro@miramiro.be so we can prepare your visit.


With thanks to

Circusartists: Ward Mortier, Thomas Decaesstecker, Kathleen Ravoet, Gianna Sutterlet, Alonso Matias Gonzalez, Gerda Dekempe  

Interdisciplinairy artists : Craig Weston (theater), Zaur Kourazov (video), Karen Van Schaik (music) , Lukas Pierredon (sound), Dali (Dog) Dramaturgical team: Craig Weston, Gianna Sutterlet, Ward Mortier  

External viewpoint : Aurelia Brailowsky, Sander De Cuyper 


Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof, Miramiro, Kopergietery, Cirklabo


Centre des arts scéniques, De Grote Post, Lattitude 50, De Spil

With support from

De Vlaamse Overheid, Stad Gent